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Thank you for expressing your interest in the pendulum effect.

the pendulum effect is still in its infancy. Be patient, and expect growth.

(You will find all of The Pendulum Effect video shorts, as they are released below)
the pendulum effect part-2

the pendulum effect part-4

the pendulum effect part-5

the pendulum effect part-6

the pendulum effect part-7

the pendulum effect part-8

the pendulum effect part-9

the pendulum effect part-10

the pendulum effect part-11

the pendulum effect part-12

the pendulum effect part-13

the pendulum effect part-14

the pendulum effect part-15

the pendulum effect part-16

the pendulum effect part-17

the pendulum effect part-18

the pendulum effect part-19

the pendulum effect part-20

the pendulum effect part-21

the pendulum effect part-23

the pendulum effect part-24

the pendulum effect part-25

the pendulum effect part-26

the pendulum effect part-27

the pendulum effect part-28

the pendulum effect part-29

Alternately, watch our episodes, in their full glory, at our pendulum effect facebook page and at our pendulum effect linkedin page as well as at our pendulum effect rumble page

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ultimo concepts -- A ppe provider for the professional.

skagitpss-- a private security contracting company of a different caliber.

oconus: the contractor's life -- a podcast that explores and discusses topics surrounding the often murky world of private security contracting.

the pendulum effect is a pictorial video shorts project that delves into the ethereal, which most people are aware of but relatively few people take seriously.

wienerfied dot com -- a podcast the conducts real talk with real men.

the veterans angle is a patriotic videocast that discusses veteran's issues, and general topics of interest -- even when/if it is not news.

discover maestro -- a seriously professional digital analysis and marketing firm.

deep blue dive therapy -- a 501c seriously committed to helping veterans with ptsd.

diver down coffee -- a veterans coffee for everyone.
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